Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse Rue Centrale 10, 1003 Lausanne, Schweiz

Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse

43 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag08:00–12:00
  • Freitag08:00–12:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag08:00–12:00, 14:00–19:00
  • Dienstag08:00–12:00
  • Mittwoch08:00–12:00

Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse Rue Centrale 10, 1003 Lausanne, Schweiz

Uber das Geschaft

Institut Richelieu - Cours de français à Lausanne | L'Institut Richelieu, école de langue et de culture française à Lausanne depuis 1962. Cours pour tous les niveaux de A1 à C1.


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Rue Centrale 10, 1003 Lausanne, Schweiz


  • Donnerstag08:00–12:00
  • Freitag08:00–12:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag08:00–12:00, 14:00–19:00
  • Dienstag08:00–12:00
  • Mittwoch08:00–12:00


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang
  • Service/Leistungen vor Ort
  • Onlinekurse

Empfohlene Bewertungen

João Mendes
Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse
Pessoal agradável, bons professores. 5 estrelas!
Alexandra Monteiro
Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse
J'ai suivi le cours de français de 20 heures par semaine à l'Institut Richelieu du 24 au 28 avril 2023. J'ai étudié le programme à un niveau intermédiaire" A2. Dès le début je me suis sentie très bien accueillie par la secrétaire (Sandrine)
Tiffany Maya Torres
Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse
El Institute Richelieu es una de las mejores escuelas de francés que he asistido. Esta ubicada en una muy buena zona para después de las clases explorar y conocer un poco más la Ciudad.Tuve la oportunidad de estudiar ahí el nivel B2 con la profesora Anna, es una excelente profesora, muy paciente y siempre con una sonrisa en la cara. En estos tres meses pude mejorar mucho mi escritura y mi pronunciación, así mismo como la comprensión oral.Lo que también me gustó mucho de esta escuela es que una vez al mes hay actividades para poder disfrutar y conocer a los demás alumnos del Instituto, hacer más amigos y seguir practicando el idioma.Muchas felicidades al Instituto por tan excelentes clases y calidad. Muchas gracias por todo y nos veremos pronto para continuar con mis estudios C1.
Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse
The summary of my experience has been very negative.I attended the intensive course (level B1 and level B2) and from the very first moment I felt that the level of the different students was not aligned. For example during the B1 course there was people that couldn’t even understand the exercise or a basic audio so it decreased the learning process. In the B2 course there was people that did not even pass the B1 exam so you could imagine the outstanding level of the class.Nevertheless it was my first French experience after many years without practice so I gave another chance. The environment was friendly and helpful so I thought that it was something that happened after COVID (as it was the first presencial course after quite some time).Unfortunately after my nice thoughts and my willingness of learning in a decent school became to a lie. Basically the evaluated level is very low and there is an economic interest. At the end it is a private school so as the director told me when we had a private chat “The salaries must go every month”.The B1 level was disappointing but the B2 was a recognized scam. The group couldn’t do some activities that are B2 standard level due to the low level of the class. There were people without the B1 level attending B2 courses hence basic conversation or discussions were impossible. This was shared with the teacher several times the very first weeks of the course.I have to say that the 2 teachers I had my evaluation is on the other hand quite positive. They are just victims of a teaching mechanism where the economic interest has more weight than a mechanism that wants to teach real level of a language to foreigners. At the end, again, it is a private company. I never had an entry level test. Nor my colleagues. You will have cool hang outs, visits to some places and support but if the main objective is to master the level of the course this is not your place.Something to point and it is a good indicator of the ‘happiness’ of the class is that no one wanted to join the official DELF B2 preparation course and no one wanted to attend an hypothetic C1 level.The intensive courses cost is around 4000CHF which is a huge cost. It is not worth at all, you will find better schools to learn French around Lausanne. And I really want to point it again, if you really want to learn the language, there are better places. I could have saved easily one course as no one evaluated me and I could have gone directly to the B2 course, why not!? No one is preventing you of deciding your own level!To finalize, before writing this review I approached the school via mail and we had a meeting with the Director at that time to discuss about my bad experience. Not only he recognized that they had issues with the level of the group but he also recognized that the quality of the classes delivered was not at the expected level. He recognized everything that I am pointing in this review and he even offered me to attend another time the full intensive course FOR FREE. At that time I didn’t have the time to attend a full intensive course and I already enrolled the DELF B2 official exam early June so having a course from 0 didn’t make any sense and I couldn’t even if I wanted. In order to find an intermediate solution I requested to have instead of a complete free intensive course to have six (6) 1h classes with a private teacher just to prepare the DELF B2 exam as he also recognized that the level was not the appropriate one, nothing crazy isn’t it? The surprise came when the director answered in a quite arrogant tone stating that the request was a surprise and the only offer was to repeat and lose another 3 months of my life repeating a course that in theory was at the good level this time instead of offering a support for an official exam that I need due to the lack of professionalism of the school. Of course after my answer he was did not answer anymore.To summarize: find another place if you want to really learn French. Signed: a person that attended to the B1 and B2 course.
Mayara Tissi
Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse
Estudei um pouco mais de um ano e tive um grande avanço nesta escola. Fiz o Delf B2 e fui aprovada! Recomendo!Os professores são excelentes, turmas pequenas e aulas dinâmicas.Todos, da recepcionista ao diretor da escola, são super simpáticos.
Balachandra Talluri
Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse
I had a nice experience here. I took the A2 level during my summer vacation. The colleagues, teachers and the atmosphere is very friendly. I have improved well in my French language capabilities. However, since I am pursuing my masters in hospitality, it is challenging to continue to B1. The receptionist, Sandrine, was very pleasant and always attended to my needs. My teachers Barbara and Delphine were outstanding. It has been a pleasure to spend my summer here and this institution and its people will be dearly missed. Hope to come back some time in the future. :)Best regards,Bala
Juan Goncalves
Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse
I was very disappointed with the French course. The classes are boring and slow. The method is too traditional and the lessons are lacking energy and engagement. I had to drop it halfway as I didn’t feel motivated to go back and I would not recommend.
Vanessa Mendes
Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse
Eu precisava melhorar a escrita para receber a promoção no trabalho. Fiz 3 meses de curso e consegui o cargo de vice Diretora de um grand magasin"
andré Hahne
Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse
Sehr gute Schule! Wir haben in einer kleinen Gruppe gearbeitet und die Lehrer waren grossartig! Ich empfehle diese Schule.
Ana Domingo
Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse
Je suis très satisfait du cours. Je n'ai pu faire qu'une semaine, pour le travail. Il me reste l'envie de suivre le cours jusqu'au bout. J'ai adoré mon professeur et le contenu du cours. Très bonne combinaison de contenu (grammaire et vocabulaire) et bonne maîtrise du temps. Je vais continuer à étudier et j'essaierai de revenir bientôt!Merci beaucoup pour tout!***Estoy muy satisfecha con el curso. Solo he podido hacer una semana,por trabajo. Me he quedado con las ganas de seguir el curso hasta el final. Me ha encantado mi profesora y el contenido del curso. Muy buena combinación de contenido (gramatica y vocabulario) y buen control del tiempo. Seguiré estudiando e intentaré volver pronto!Muchas gracias por todo!***I am very satisfied with the course. I have only been able to do a week, because of work. I would have loved to continue the course until the end. My teacher was great and the content of the course. Very good combination of content (grammar and vocabulary) and good control of time. I will continue studying and I will try to go back soon!Many thanks for everything!

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Rue Centrale 10, 1003 Lausanne, Schweiz
Institute Richelieu, École De Langue Et Culture Française, Lausanne, Suisse