Pflegewohnheim Thal-Rheineck Kruft 10, 9425 Thal, Schweiz

Pflegewohnheim Thal-Rheineck

3 Bewertungen

Pflegewohnheim Thal-Rheineck Kruft 10, 9425 Thal, Schweiz

Uber das Geschaft

Pflegewohnheim Thal-Rheineck | Startseite | Ihr Wohlbefinden steht im Zentrum unseres Denkens und Handelns. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Sie – steht Ihr sorgenfreier Aufenthalt in unserem Pflegewohnheim.


Rufen Sie uns an
Kruft 10, 9425 Thal, Schweiz



  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz
  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Pflegewohnheim Thal-Rheineck
All the best for the Swiss police. I went on a meeting in Switzerland from Austria and as I entered Switzerland just after St. Margarethen I wanted to go to the toilet at the reststop on the highway. Since I was running pretty late I did an stupid thing and left my vallet on the rooftop of my car. Of course it happened the worse thing possible and I drove away without talking my vallet from the car. After a second stop I realized that the vallet is not by me anymore. I called the police and they sent immediately patrol there and found the vallet. After when I drove back home I picked it up. Thank you very much for the kindness and professionalism. With best regards, Sinisa Resek.

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Kruft 10, 9425 Thal, Schweiz
Pflegewohnheim Thal-Rheineck