Auditoire de Calvin Pl. de la Taconnerie 1, 1204 Genève, Schweiz

Auditoire de Calvin

45 Bewertungen

Auditoire de Calvin Pl. de la Taconnerie 1, 1204 Genève, Schweiz

Uber das Geschaft

Auditoire Calvin – Un site de l'Eglise protestante de Genève |


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Pl. de la Taconnerie 1, 1204 Genève, Schweiz



  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Auditoire de Calvin
칼뱅의 강당 혹은 녹스 채플(이곳에서 녹스가 목회하면서 영어권 피난민을 섬겼다)이라고 부른다. 고딕양식으로 건축된 멋진 건물이다
Daniel Soom
Auditoire de Calvin
Salle où les réformateurs ont prêché, beaux vitraux modernes excellente acoustique
Jordi Segui
Auditoire de Calvin
Es una pequeña capilla, asociada a la historia de la reforma protestante, a ver, como muchas que habremos visitado, lo que ocurre es que forma parte del recorrido turístico de Ginebra, por tanto se debe visitar.
Tif Gds
Auditoire de Calvin
C'est à cet endroit que ma remise de diplôme a eu lieu un endroit chargé en émotions, où j'ai passé à ce jour le plus beau moment de ma vie accompagné de toute ma famille et de mon université.
Monika Auzemery
Auditoire de Calvin
Dans cet endroit merveilleu, historique - BAM Animation religieuse dédiée aux enfants: théâtre, musique de piano à queue, les histoires de la Bible, prière adaptée à la spiritualité des enfants, chants, goûter !! Bref- THE PLACE TO BE :-)
Vladimir Pecha
Auditoire de Calvin
A nice chapel associated with John Calvin, he taught Reformed theology here. The Gothic-style building was constructed in the 15th century, on the site of earlier 5th-century religious buildings. This chapel is still a place of worship today for members of the churches of Scotland, Holland and the Italian Reformed Church.
Melvin Diaz
Auditoire de Calvin
This a nother treasure of the reformation located next to St. Pierre cathedral. This is where John Calvin used to teach. Later, John Knox, another important figure of the reformation, also teached and preached there. There is no entrance fee. Now, this place is used by the church of Scotland in Geneva (Presbyterian). Furthermore, you are welcome to join the Sunday services at 11 am. Very welcoming congregation. Recommended.
Auditoire de Calvin
칼뱅의 강당으로 불리는 건물입니다. 아마 이 건물에서 신학강의와 제네바 목사회의 모임이 있지 않았을까요? 존 녹스가 제네바에 망명했을 때 잉글랜드 망명자들에게 성경을 가르치고 설교한 곳이기도 합니다.
Timothy Welty
Auditoire de Calvin
An interesting and important center for the Reformation. It is one of the places where John Calvin taught and preached. The auditorium lacks the splendor of Catholic cathedrals, but is beautiful in its simplicity. An English speaking congregation of the Church of Scotland meets in the auditorium on Sunday mornings.

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Pl. de la Taconnerie 1, 1204 Genève, Schweiz
Auditoire de Calvin