Aarebrücke Wangen an der Aare Städtli 3380, 3380 Wangen an der Aare, Schweiz

Aarebrücke Wangen an der Aare

31 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag24 Stunden geöffnet
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  • Mittwoch24 Stunden geöffnet

Aarebrücke Wangen an der Aare Städtli 3380, 3380 Wangen an der Aare, Schweiz

Uber das Geschaft



Rufen Sie uns an
Städtli 3380, 3380 Wangen an der Aare, Schweiz


  • Donnerstag24 Stunden geöffnet
  • Freitag24 Stunden geöffnet
  • Samstag24 Stunden geöffnet
  • Sonntag24 Stunden geöffnet
  • Montag24 Stunden geöffnet
  • Dienstag24 Stunden geöffnet
  • Mittwoch24 Stunden geöffnet


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz
  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang
  • Kinder­freundlich

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Aarebrücke Wangen an der Aare
Schöne alte Brücke
Bruno Conti Rossini
Aarebrücke Wangen an der Aare
la più bella costruzione di wangen é a mio parere il ponte di legno coperto sull'Aare. Costruito nella sua forma attuale tra il 1575 e il 1577, ha cinque campate e un tetto continuo con scudi all'estremità. Dei quattro pilastri, tre sono in calcestruzzo e rivestiti in pietra calcarea, degli originali costruiti interamente con pietre di cava scopite a mano si è conservato solo il pilastro sul lato della città, riconoscibile per la sua forma sporgente verso l'alto. È degno di nota il fatto che nonostante l'età veneranda questa struttura sia in grado di sopportare il traffico di autoveicoli odierno.
Franco Oliva
Aarebrücke Wangen an der Aare
Il ponte che attraversa il fiume bellissimo da vedere è il modo come è stato costruito tanti e tanti anni fa
Ruben Allegranza
Aarebrücke Wangen an der Aare
Hermoso lugar muchísima tranquilidad.
Christoph Goerke
Aarebrücke Wangen an der Aare
Die historische Holzbrücke ist ein Hingucker und wird heute rege vom Autoverkehr genutzt.Wer sich der Brücke bei warmem Wetter im Fluss schwimmend nähert, hat eine tolle Perspektive mehr. Sehr zu empfehlen!
Jorge Párraga
Aarebrücke Wangen an der Aare
Lo máximo un bello paisaje del Río con el puente.
Tammie Falkingham
Aarebrücke Wangen an der Aare
Translation into English of historical marker - Aare BridgeThe records of Andreas Ryff, a traveling salesman from Basel, show that on his journeys between 1591 and 1600 to the Aare Bridge in Wangen he often took the route via Kriegstetten, Utzenstorf and Fraubrunnen to Bern and further via the Gemmi to Valais or vice versa chose. According to this, Ryff would have ridden from Wiedlisbach to the town of Wangen and then used the Salzstrasse in the direction of Burgdorf.The salt house in the immediate vicinity of the bridge served as a reloading and storage facility.Today's bridge, which is 92 meters long, was rebuilt in the years 1549-1553. The Bernese minster master builder Pfister provided the southern half with stone pillars, the first of which standing in the water bears the year 1552. Extensive renovations were carried out in the late 16th and then in the 17th century, the bridge was shortened in 1845 and this section was replaced by a causeway. In 1933, the Bernese government prevented the demolition of the bridge, which is now seen as a symbol of the town of Wangen an der Aare and has become an integral part of the townscape. It has been under federal protection since 1977.The town of Wangen an der Aare, which was founded by the Counts of Kyburg around the middle of the 13th century, played an important role. With the waterway of the Aare and the wooden bridge leading over it, first mentioned in 1367, it has been a traffic junction since the Middle Ages. This inView of the bridge and Wangen an der Aare from the northeast. Pen drawing around 1664 by Albrecht Kauw. [Bern Bridge Stories, 1997: 141]Realization 2016 Eneas Domenicon in cooperation with the Civil Engineering Office of the Canton of Bern, Oberingenieurkreis NV

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Städtli 3380, 3380 Wangen an der Aare, Schweiz
Aarebrücke Wangen an der Aare