Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu - Switzerland bei Krauchthal CH, Brünnliacher 6, 3326 Krauchthal, Schweiz

Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu - Switzerland

26 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag19:45–21:15
  • FreitagGeschlossen
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • MontagGeschlossen
  • Dienstag19:45–21:15
  • MittwochGeschlossen

Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu - Switzerland bei Krauchthal CH, Brünnliacher 6, 3326 Krauchthal, Schweiz

Uber das Geschaft

Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu Switzerland |


Rufen Sie uns an
bei Krauchthal CH, Brünnliacher 6, 3326 Krauchthal, Schweiz


  • Donnerstag19:45–21:15
  • FreitagGeschlossen
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • MontagGeschlossen
  • Dienstag19:45–21:15
  • MittwochGeschlossen


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz
  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang
  • Onlinekurse

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Jans Plaschy
Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu - Switzerland
Super Trainings mit viel Wissen
Andrew Kitchingham
Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu - Switzerland
I have attended one of Sifu Danny Xuan's seminars in China, where I meet and trained with Ben.Ben has traveled to train with Sifu Danny quite a lot, his understanding of the essential principles of Xuan Wing Chun make him a good teacher for someone interested in learning Wing Chun.
Zed J
Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu - Switzerland
Great teachers who are passionate about sharing mind-blowing and unique insights...highly recommended classes!
Alexander Ehli
Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu - Switzerland
Cooler Trainer, ein offener Mensch der sein Wissen gerne teilt.....!Nur zu empfehlen!!!
Danny Xuan
Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu - Switzerland
Ben is a very good student of mine, and represents my system well. Anyone in Europe interested in learning my system should go to him.
Rafael del Junco
Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu - Switzerland
Ben is very skilled and an excellent teacher of the Xuan style of Wing Chun.
Emanuel Licari (Eli 1981)
Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu - Switzerland
Xuan Wing Chun is definitely the exception in the martial arts world. Ben inspired me at the beginning - his knowledge and experience fulfils my training in mind & body. The right address for all who are looking for mental and physical balance.
Eddie H
Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu - Switzerland
I’ve had some martial arts experiences (karate,aikido and wing chun) before finding Sifu Xuan’s Wing Chun system.A lot of importance in this system is given on body balance and body alignment for best power generation, an open mind and a continuous awareness of the contact established with the partner during Chisao.The most important thing I have learned from is to always question things/techniques that I was taking for granted just because big masters evangelised them.I guess the quest and thirst to explain and find the reasons behind all the movements,the best ways to utilize the body potential by correct alignment, and his easy-to-understand explanations and patience make Xuan’s system easy and beneficial for health and fighting.Definitely I would recommend other people to learn and/or quest Sifu Xuan’s teachings with a great person like Ben.
Nico Nydegger
Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu - Switzerland
Ben is a great teacher and a wonderful person!I am currently his student and I am learning a ton.Having trained Escrima in the past, I am truly impressed how effective the Xuan Wing Chun system really is!

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bei Krauchthal CH, Brünnliacher 6, 3326 Krauchthal, Schweiz
Xuan Wing Chun Kung Fu - Switzerland