Plan B Fitness Hirslandweg 4, 4144 Arlesheim, Schweiz

Plan B Fitness

34 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag07:00–20:00
  • Freitag07:00–20:00
  • Samstag09:30–16:00
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag07:00–20:00
  • Dienstag07:00–20:00
  • Mittwoch07:00–20:00

Plan B Fitness Hirslandweg 4, 4144 Arlesheim, Schweiz

Uber das Geschaft



Rufen Sie uns an
Hirslandweg 4, 4144 Arlesheim, Schweiz


  • Donnerstag07:00–20:00
  • Freitag07:00–20:00
  • Samstag09:30–16:00
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag07:00–20:00
  • Dienstag07:00–20:00
  • Mittwoch07:00–20:00


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz
  • WC
  • Rollstuhlgerechtes WC
  • Service/Leistungen vor Ort
  • LGBTQ+-freundlich
  • Onlinekurse

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Rafael Walter
Plan B Fitness
I started personal training with Wojtek October last year. I had been contemplating for quite a while about working out. My biggest problem are time issues, bringing family and work under one roof. Wojtek is just amazing and super flexible in that regard! Since I started PT sessions with Wojtek, my energy level is really good and I feel that my fitness level is getting stronger by the week! I always have such a great workout with tonnes of laughter which in turn makes the workout seem really short! Everyone needs to exercise in some form but if you are thinking of training with a PT or joining a classes, I would highly recommend Wojtek!
Surya Kottakota
Plan B Fitness
Excellent training by Wojtek at Plan B. His fitness programs are very effective in strengthening your back with simple (sometimes strenuous) but very effective exercises. Strongly recommend for anyone with back problems or even without back problem for strengthening back muscles.
Magdalena Ehrensperger
Plan B Fitness
Meine Rückenschmerzen habe ich dank Wojtek und seinen Trainings im Griff. Genau das wonach ich lange gesucht habe: Ein unglaublich genauer Trainer, der trotz Gruppenunterricht immer die Zeit findet auf jeden individuell einzugehen und mit seinen Erfahrungen und seinem Wissen Tips auf den Weg gibt, die über das Training hinaus gehen. Nach jedem Training bin ich positiv erschöpft, habe ein befreites und „gestrechtes Gefühl und gestärkte Muskeln (vor allem die wichtigen Stabilisatoren). Plan B Fitness und die Trainings mit Wojtek kann ich allen nur wärmstens empfehlen. Hartes Training
Alex P
Plan B Fitness
I have always been a sporty/active person but covid-due inactivity hit me hard on my back once I have restarted playing beach volley and volley (lots of jumping involved, not the easiest games for your spine/back).I had pain during the game and afterwards even more.I contacted Wojtek and started having weekly sessions with him and very quickly my pain reduced and finally disappeared entirely!Wojtek was really good at teaching me dedicated stretching exercises that target spine decompression very effectively. These were combined with strengthening exercises to give my back all the support it needed and to improve my posture.I now feel my back is stronger and better supported but my muscles and I can play without any problems. My posture is also better than it has ever been.I still join weekly sessions to make sure my back will never have the same problems again.Overall I highly recommend Wojtek and his Plan B Fitness method to whoever had any sort of back problemsthank you again Wojtek!Alex
Katy Pountney
Plan B Fitness
Weekly sessions with Wojtek have been a lifesaver for me during remote working. I’ve done a lot of classes (yoga, Pilates etc) but there is something particularly strengthening about these exercises that makes me feel much better. Highly recommend to anyone feeling stiff from too much sitting, particularly back, shoulders, hips. Classes have a good friendly feeling to them, are a great balance of new and consistent exercises, the time always flies by.
Adriana Kuzmisinova
Plan B Fitness
I started attending Wojtek`s online classes when I had backpain due to start of home office during Covid-19 and no live yoga classes I used to attend. After already 3 classes the backpain disappeared completely, I strengthened my back and general posture. I found the lessons to be very good despite being online, enjoyable. Wojtek is a professional trainer and made a very good contact with the group despite distance class, corrected the postures. I highly recommend his classes. Thank you Wojtek !
Rodica Evtuhovici
Plan B Fitness
Although I do sports regularly, I only found out about Foundation Training when Wojtek started teaching on site at our work. Some of the postures and exercises are different and take time to do them naturally. However, the effect of the training you feel immediately. Strengthening core, back muscles; straightening the posture - all that replaced very quickly my twice a week visit to physio and acupuncture. Wojtek is very flexible and adapts the training program and to remote ways of training. Will definitely recommend and continue practicing.
Ramona Propson
Plan B Fitness
Ich habe die Erfahrung gemacht, dass das Foundation Training mit Wojtek ein gutes Training für den ganzen Körper ist. Wojtek schafft es die Kurse motivierend und abwechlungsreich zu gestalten. Auch in den durch Covid-19 bedingten Online Kursen hat Wojtek dies entsprechend umgesetzt. Ich vermisse aber das Training vor Ort und freue mich, wenn es wieder stattfinden kann.
Whitney Hartung
Plan B Fitness
I really like the exercises by Wojtek. It was the first time I had encountered Foundation Training, since a colleague of mine invited me to join a class given in our workplace. Even though we haven't been able to do them IRL for the past year, he's continued to support us via Zoom lessons. They are simple but very effective exercises, and Wojtek always leads them with a careful eye on good alignment and a positive attitude!
Simone Tort
Plan B Fitness
Wojtek is a great trainer and motivator. He has a careful eye on you, and after just a few sessions will find out strengths and weakness of your back and posture. As a result, he will give you a lot of precious advice on how to change your daily way of sitting and standing by teaching you the technique of foundation training.Plan B helped my a lot in finding back my confidence with normal exercising after an acute back inflammation. Try to believe!

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Hirslandweg 4, 4144 Arlesheim, Schweiz
Plan B Fitness