Stiftung für die Inter-Community School Grossmünsterplatz 8, 8001 Zürich, Schweiz

Stiftung für die Inter-Community School

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Stiftung für die Inter-Community School Grossmünsterplatz 8, 8001 Zürich, Schweiz

Uber das Geschaft

International School, Switzerland - Private IB World School: ICS Zurich | Discover The Inter-Community School Zurich. ICS is a renowned international school in Zurich, Switzerland. As an IB school, ICS offers personalised education in English for Preschool & Kindergarten through Diploma Studies. It is a private, fully accredited International Baccalaureate IB World school also providing Preschool & Kindergarten students a Bilingual German and English option in the Preschool Programme and an option for Diploma Studies students to graduate with an IB Bilingual Diploma.


Rufen Sie uns an
Grossmünsterplatz 8, 8001 Zürich, Schweiz



  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz
  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang

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Grossmünsterplatz 8, 8001 Zürich, Schweiz
Stiftung für die Inter-Community School