Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva Rue de Monthoux 4, 1201 Genève, Schweiz

Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva

23 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag06:30–21:00
  • Freitag06:30–21:00
  • Samstag08:00–21:00
  • Sonntag08:00–21:00
  • Montag06:30–21:00
  • Dienstag06:30–21:00
  • Mittwoch06:30–21:00

Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva Rue de Monthoux 4, 1201 Genève, Schweiz

Uber das Geschaft

Coach Sportif Geneve et Personal Trainer | Avec le coach Samy, optimise tes séances de coaching sportif et découvre ce dont tu es capable dès maintenant avec un suivi 7 jour sur 7.


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Rue de Monthoux 4, 1201 Genève, Schweiz


  • Donnerstag06:30–21:00
  • Freitag06:30–21:00
  • Samstag08:00–21:00
  • Sonntag08:00–21:00
  • Montag06:30–21:00
  • Dienstag06:30–21:00
  • Mittwoch06:30–21:00


  • WC

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva
Samy is truly an amazing personal trainer! For the first time in my life, I feel like I am taking care of myself properly, thanks to his support in nutrition and exercise. I have lost weight, I am fitter and I feel much healthier! Thanks to you Samy
Bils Bk
Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva
I've trained with Samy a number of times and go to his gym regularly as I live in Genève. Very approachable and helpful. The personal training sessions I've had, have been fantastic. He has a more holistic approach which concentrates on health and fitness and not just on building muscle. He is very knowledgable and experienced and great company. The gym is always clean, well-maintained and a safe environment to train in.Planning further sessions soon.
Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva
It is a real pleasure to work with Samy every week. He brings varied and adapted sessions with a care and a more than attentive listening. His professionalism, his enthusiasm and his availability make it possible to acquire what I came to seek. It's much more than a sports coach!!! I recommend 1000%
Anton Nesterov
Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva
С Samy я потерял 15 кг жира и продолжаю худеть и дальше. Раньше, чтоб похудеть я истязал себя на тренировках, но результата не было. Samy объяснил мне, что дело в моей еде. Оказывается я очень мало ел. Кто бы мог подумать! Надо больше есть, чтоб похудеть! Я доверился Samy и результат на моих боках не стал себя долго ждать. Спасибо, не просто тренер, а друг!
Luca Lasciarrea
Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva
Difficult to find a coach like Samy! When he trains you he really gives his best. Not one of those coaches that get paid only to count how many reps you do. He actively helps you and wants you to reach a great level in execution. He always does so in the friendliest and nicest way possible! Thank you Samy!
Amina B
Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva
Excellent coach! Il m'a accompagné sur mon projet durant toute une année pour m'emmener là où je le voulais. J'ai énormément progressé grâce à lui. Merci encore !
Luciana Chaves Da Costa
Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva
Samy has been a delightful and professional personal trainer. I have had quite a few personal trainers up to date and Samy is definitely the best one out of them all! I particularly have issues with my lower back which Samy carefully tailored our sessions to always keep that in mind and really focussed on posture when working out. Within a week I had less back pain to none when working out with him and following the guided self workouts too.Apart from being a great PT, he was a very open and interesting person to talk to. I feel he could strike up a conversation with anyone. I looked forward to our sessions and felt better when I left each session knowing I did something. He pushes you to the max you can handle and it’s not a bad thing, it’s great!Unfortunately I have moved area otherwise I would have loved to continue with Samy. Highly recommend him.Goodluck Samy!
Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva
Samy est très professionnel et à l'écoute de la personne coachée: adaptation efficace de chaque entraînement en fonction de l'état physiologique de la personne sur le moment. Par la diversité des exercices proposés, chaque semaine la séance est diférente. En trois ans aucun signe de monotonie. Bravo, tu aimes ton métier.
Alan M.
Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva
Avant de faire appel à Samy, le sport était une corvée. Aujourd'hui c'est un plaisir. J'ai hâte de faire mes séances et de constater mon évolution. Samy sait trouver les mots pour que vous donniez le meilleur de vous même.
Valérie John
Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva
Excellent coach sportif à recommander à 1000%!Toujours autant de passion et motivation après 4ans d’enseignement sportif avec moi :-)

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Rue de Monthoux 4, 1201 Genève, Schweiz
Trainer Sportif Genève Monthoux | Personal Trainer Geneva