Kita 7 Bears Forchstrasse 4, 8008 Zürich, Schweiz

Kita 7 Bears

9 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag07:00–19:00
  • Freitag07:00–19:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag07:00–19:00
  • Dienstag07:00–19:00
  • Mittwoch07:00–19:00

Kita 7 Bears Forchstrasse 4, 8008 Zürich, Schweiz

Uber das Geschaft

Kontakt | 7 Bears Kinderkrippe | Kinderkrippe 7-Bears


Rufen Sie uns an
Forchstrasse 4, 8008 Zürich, Schweiz


  • Donnerstag07:00–19:00
  • Freitag07:00–19:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag07:00–19:00
  • Dienstag07:00–19:00
  • Mittwoch07:00–19:00


  • Service/Leistungen vor Ort
  • Onlinekurse

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Jean-Pascal Di Iorio
Kita 7 Bears
Toller privater Kindergarten. Deutsch und Englisch mit kompetenten und freundlichen Mitarbeitern. Unser Kind fühlt sich sehr wohl dort und wir sind sehr froh, nicht an die Schulferien gebunden zu sein.
Anja Hauser
Kita 7 Bears
Ich hatte 5 Krippen besichtigt, musste sogar 1x wechseln nach der Eingewöhnung und unsere kleine Tochter ist nun seit 7 Monaten bei den 7 Bears und wir sind super happy! Die Betreuerinnern kümmern sich liebevoll und mit grosser Passion um die Kleinen, es wird viel gebastelt und gespielt, alles ist sehr gut organisiert und koordiniert, wir erfahren viel Flexibilität (z.B. Zusatztage am Freitag möglich) - unsere Tochter fühlt sich wohl und wir geben sie mit einem guten Gefühl zu den 7 Bears. Ganz herzlichen Dank
Simone Riedel Riley
Kita 7 Bears
Unsere Kinder gehen seit über 4 Jahren sehr gerne zu 7 Bears. Das Kindergartenprogramm ist zweisprachig (deutsch, englisch) und die Lehrerinnen sind sehr strukturiert, freundlich, offen und herzlich. Das Essen ist gesund und lecker. Die Krippe ist sehr sauber und gut organisiert. Tägliche Spaziergänge. Ich kann 7 Bears jeder Familie empfehlen, die eine gute Krippe sucht.
Calypso Herrera
Kita 7 Bears
We are very disappointed with the manager of this kita and for that reason we don't send our children anymore there. We met wonderful teachers but they never stayed too long. There is a big turnover.- The manager is not a honest person. (I send to the manager an email, the teacher told me the following day that she got the email because the manager forwarded her. I didn't got any answer for two weeks, and I asked the teacher what happened. The following day, I got a respond from the manager telling me that my email went to her spam box and for that reason she didn't answer before.)- They change the contract and increase the fees. They first told us that they will increase the hours without changing the fees, and then they changed and they expect that all of the old parents pay too. It is a change of contract and we didn't agree. The manager tried for a long time to take that extra money, which is a ridiculous amount in comparison of what we payed for 2 children full time.Some good friends who didn't not pay that amount had an very bad experience. They were leaving Switzerland and the manager told them not to bring the child for the last 10 days because they didn't pay that amount...- Before being in this apartment, they were in a Villa just close to where they are now. It was in Summer 2015, the kita was closed for the 2 weeks of Holidays around 1st of August. We were abroad and we got an email at the end of these two weeks, telling us that the kita is moving because of several reasons and that it was not planned.The first day after the holiday, we saw that the new place, that they have now, it was a great place with a wonderful paint on the wall. How did they manage to find an apartment so close to where they were, to rent it, to furnish it within 2 weeks? Just after they left that Villa, it was renovated it. (Not more than a month later) So we believe that it was not true. See below the letter that we received.- One Person on language ? They use to have two teachers, an english and a german. Now the english teacher left and they didn't replace her. The German teacher who is actually a native English person and speaks fluently swiss German, is speaking in the morning in German and in the afternoon in English.-It is sad that they have this kind of management. My older girl used to like-it. Everyday except on Fridays. She was crying on Friday because, the babies were mixed with the 3-6 years old children. When I have asked if my second child could come and try for a week (paid of course), she told me, sure, between Monday and Thursday.

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Forchstrasse 4, 8008 Zürich, Schweiz
Kita 7 Bears