Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari Rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 21, 1206 Genève, Schweiz

Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari

56 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag18:30–20:30
  • FreitagGeschlossen
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • Sonntag10:00–13:00
  • Montag18:00–20:30
  • DienstagGeschlossen
  • Mittwoch17:30–21:30

Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari Rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 21, 1206 Genève, Schweiz

Uber das Geschaft

Krav Maga Fédération en Genève | Krav Maga self defense was originally developed for Military and Law Enforcement by Imrich Lichtenfeld. Krav Maga by lior zabari alain choen.


Rufen Sie uns an
Rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 21, 1206 Genève, Schweiz


  • Donnerstag18:30–20:30
  • FreitagGeschlossen
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • Sonntag10:00–13:00
  • Montag18:00–20:30
  • DienstagGeschlossen
  • Mittwoch17:30–21:30


  • Service/Leistungen vor Ort
  • Onlinekurse

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Jose Balaguer
Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari
I found this school when in Geneva (11/21) Called, found out how their set up was and was pleasantly surprised! they have nice equipment, the space is small but comfortable. the instructor was experienced and even learned a thing or two (I am an advanced student in U.S.). The work outs are what you put into them and the student experience ranges because only ALL LEVEL classes were avail when I was there. I give it 4 out of 5. Each class is $30 franc, for 2.5 hours... not bad... Thank you! Lior Zabari!
Flore Vanackère
Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari
Les cours sont excellemment structurés et Lior est un pédagogue très patient et efficace, ce qui permet de progresser rapidement.Je recommande cette école!
Savo Massimo
Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari
Ayant été un adapte depuis plusieurs années de sport de combat, j’ai voulu essayer une nouvelle discipline.A ce jour, je ne peux que louer les avantages du Krav Maga, c’est d’une incroyable efficacité et accessible à tous, femmes et enfants, jeunes et moins jeunes.Au delà des techniques de self défense, c’est une vrai école de vie dont l’instructeur, Monsieur Lior Zabari est un digne représentant.En effet, il possède une incroyable expérience et d’une très grande pédagogie.Je ne peux que vous inciter à essayer un cours d’essai gratuit, vous en jugerez par vous-même.
Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari
The ambience in this place is serious but at the same time its a lot of fun. One gets the feeling that a positive attitude and No aggressiveness are a must to be allowed into this club. The age of the students ranges from teen age girls and boys to middle age Geneva professionals. Its a 50/50 male female mix. And the coach Lior is very approachable, truly patient, and quite friendly. Highly recommended.
Annick Peter
Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari
I really recommend taking Krav Maga training at this school! The techniques you learn are efficient and adapted to various circumstances you might encounter on the street. Lior Zabari is a great teacher, he knows to make everyone feel included and how to adapt exercises according to your abilities. (You will be challenged exactly the right amount, whether you are beginner or advanced) The atmosphere at the school is friendly and welcoming and with Lior being from Israel you can even learn some Hebrew if you want!
Jean Thibaut
Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari
J’ai rejoins le club l’année dernière, l’ambiance du club est très bonne, et on apprend dans une atmosphère à la fois professionnelle et bienveillante !Je recommande vivement pour ceux qu’ils souhaitent découvrir un sport de combat.
Sébastien Bauer
Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari
Voilà maintenant quelques mois que j'ai commencé les cours. J'ai grâce à Lior appris de nombreuses techniques de bases du Krav Maga. Lior prend le temps de s'assurer que chacun de ses élève maitrisent les techniques qu'il enseigne. Les cours sont très structuré et aide à augmenter rapidement son niveau. Je recommande vivement et sans hésiter à toute personne qui souhaite commencer le Krav Maga de suivre les cours de Lior Zabari.
Caroline Leroy
Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari
I was looking for an authentic Krav Maga teacher in Geneva - as in an instructor who could not only teach me self-defence but someone who could also show me the Israeli culture which is so rich. Lior is a patient instructor who is experienced and always puts the safety of his students in first place. He adapts the level of his class according to his audience and is able to teach both French- and English-speakers. I can definitely see my improvement in terms of resistence, strength and self-awareness. His teaching is effective and you can profit from every class you attend.
Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari
I 100% recommend taking Krav Maga training with Lior! I joined the club with some friends. As English speakers and beginners to the art, he made sure we feel included. The physical training and techniques are super practical for the purpose of self-defence. Along with the training, you can also get the perks of getting to know something about Israeli culture, and the philosophy and the mindset of martial arts. The atmosphere of the class is also super friendly and inclusive, what is not to love)!
Sabrina Biondo
Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari
J’encourage tous ceux qui souhaitent découvrir le Krav Maga à rejoindre les cours de Lior. Très bon instructeur, il prend le temps de suivre chaque élève en incluant tous les niveaux. Ses explications sont claires, je me sens progresser rapidement. Il nous met dans des conditions les plus proche possible de la réalité pour nous faire développer de bons réflexes. Très bonne ambiance, je recommande !

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Rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 21, 1206 Genève, Schweiz
Krav Maga Genève - Lior Zabari