Georg Krause Coaching & Training Av. d'Ouchy 66, 1006 Lausanne, Schweiz

Georg Krause Coaching & Training

28 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag09:00–20:00
  • Freitag09:00–20:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:00–20:00
  • Dienstag09:00–20:00
  • Mittwoch09:00–20:00

Georg Krause Coaching & Training Av. d'Ouchy 66, 1006 Lausanne, Schweiz

Uber das Geschaft

Georg Krause Coaching & Training | Hypnose | Avenue d'Ouchy 66, Lausanne, Schweiz | Formation PNL Classic et New Code, Coaching, Changement de comportement avec des méthodes rapides, efficaces et durables en Français, Allemand et Anglais. Coaching pour particuliers, sportifs et cadres. Coaching et formations en entreprise. Georg Krause Coaching & Training


Rufen Sie uns an
Av. d'Ouchy 66, 1006 Lausanne, Schweiz


  • Donnerstag09:00–20:00
  • Freitag09:00–20:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:00–20:00
  • Dienstag09:00–20:00
  • Mittwoch09:00–20:00


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz
  • WC
  • Termin erforderlich

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Spritz Queen
Georg Krause Coaching & Training
Georg has helped me move on from a difficult past, giving me confidence and putting a big smile back on my face. I can entirely recommend his coaching, his techniques and his humour to help you overcome any doubts, fears, traumas you may have. Thanks Georg for your support for myself and my wonderful kids.
Euron bytyqi
Georg Krause Coaching & Training
Le coach Krause Georg est très professionnel, il est très à l'écoute et cela fait plaisir d'avoir en face de soit une personne qui essaie d'étudier le cas avant de proposer des techniques appropriées pour aider. De plus, il apporte un bon plus au quotidien et ces méthode fonctionne et si ce n'est pas le cas il adapte l'entretien.Très attentionné et passionné par son domaine, je recommande les visites chez Georg Krause!
Oxana Olandar
Georg Krause Coaching & Training
Georg is an amazing super-professional life coach. Moreover he is a wonderful, kind and inspiring person. It's been a total pleasure for me to see him and I'm happy with the results I have in my professional life. Thank you, Georg!
Chiara Haab
Georg Krause Coaching & Training
Great Coach, Great Experience!!!I could only recommend Georg to anyone facing professional or personal roadblocks in their life.It was an eye-opening experience with countless intriguing discussions/sessions about the power of your mind, our subconsciousness and perception of situations, people, and problems faced.He was able to give me constructive feedback and valuable tools to continue applying outside of the coaching sessions.Georg’s attitude, humour, kindness, and genuineness played a big part in making me feel at ease. You can clearly see the passion he has for helping people understand their state of mind and to feel empowered.Lastly, something that Georg helped me understand personally was“if you do the same things you have always done, you will be the same person you have always been”So to anyone needing coaching, this is your sign!!!:)
Estelle Borgeat
Georg Krause Coaching & Training
Différent, efficace et libérateur !J'ai rencontré plusieurs thérapeutes et coachs avant Georg Krause. Chaque fois, c'était la même histoire, une compréhension uniquement intellectuelle du problème pour des résultats faibles voir inexistants.Avec Georg Krause c'est l'inverse, durant la séance des changements opèrent, je les ressens. C'est une réelle libération. En quittant son cabinet, je suis pleine de confiance pour la suite parce que j'ai vu des résultats immédiats.Je le remercie pour son aide et peux que le recommander.
Berenice Hirsch-Hoffmann
Georg Krause Coaching & Training
Es gibt wenige Menschen, die so schnell den Kern einer Sache erfassen - ein Mensch, der dies tut ist Georg Krause. Als einfühlsamer, aktiv zuhörender, mitschwingender Coachingtherapeut hat Georg Krause meine Situation in seiner Komplexität und Tiefe hevorragend erfasst. Durch seine angewendeten NLP Techniken konnte ich an viele grundlegende, innere Punkte herangehen und ich habe mich in seiner Anwesenheit immer sicher und aufgehoben gefühlt. Nie hat er die Grenzen überschritten und die Arbeit mit ihm war eine Wohltat. Ich empfehle allen, die an zentralen Themen ihres Seins arbeiten wollen, hinter die Dinge blicken möchten und auch bereit sind sie zu lösen, sich ihm anzuvertrauen". Es wird sich lohnen! Nach nur wenigen Stunden konnte ich positiv
Georg Krause Coaching & Training
A learning journey from curious, ignorant, child’s mind and a lot of self-doubt to understanding the power of the NLP Classic and especially New Code and putting them into practice as part of coaching sessions. Eye opener with a very caring human being that is Georg.
emilie bruelhart
Georg Krause Coaching & Training
My coaching sessions with Georg were extremely helpful and insightful. The discussions during the sessions allowed me to let go of old habits and behavioural patterns and to broaden my perspective on so many different subjects. He also gave me plenty of very useful tools, so that I could continue the work by myself in-between the coaching sessions. I feel much lighter now, can be fully present and I have clarity over my life vision and mission. In addition to his very solid know-how and experience, he is very kind and supportive. The topics discussed during coaching sessions are generally not always easy and fun to talk about, which definitely was not the case with Georg, the sessions were filled with lightness and laughter.
Albane Oury
Georg Krause Coaching & Training
Georg Krause est un excellent coach , qui m’a permis de clairement faire une différence dans ce que je souhaitais changer ou améliorer. Je le recommande sincèrement !
Miriella Pasquier
Georg Krause Coaching & Training
Mr. Krause made me feel very welcome and his office is very professional.He immediately understood the situations/concerns I described to him and his working technique proved to be particularly effective and efficient.Indeed, in just a few coaching sessions, we managed to resolve most of my unconscious concerns and my state of mind has completely changed for the better.I highly recommend this NLP therapist

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Av. d'Ouchy 66, 1006 Lausanne, Schweiz
Georg Krause Coaching & Training