Barbells & Plates Personal Training Einsiedlerstrasse 11, 8820 Wädenswil, Schweiz

Barbells & Plates Personal Training

34 Bewertungen

Barbells & Plates Personal Training Einsiedlerstrasse 11, 8820 Wädenswil, Schweiz

Uber das Geschaft

Personal Training & Nutrition in Zürich | Barbells & Plates | Transform your health and fitness with science-based, reality-tested personal training and nutrition coaching. Experience expert guidance, customized workouts, and personalized nutrition plans designed to help you achieve your goals and live a healthy, active life.


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Einsiedlerstrasse 11, 8820 Wädenswil, Schweiz



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Empfohlene Bewertungen

M Yav
Barbells & Plates Personal Training
Eine bessere Betreuung als bei Dominic Stöckler kann man sich kaum wünschen. Ich war insgesamt 1 Jahr bei ihm. Er ist eine absolute Fachkompetenz in den Bereichen Ernährung, sowie Krafttraining. Der Unterschied zu vielen anderen Personaltrainern ist, dass er sein Trainings-, sowie Ernährungsprogramme wirklich wissenschaftlich fundiert entwickelt und abgeleitet hat. Zudem ist seine Arbeit, durch seine jahrelange Erfahrung veredelt. Das Training war stets individuell angepasst und förmlich liebevoll zusammengestellt gewesen. Es hat immer sehr viel Spass gemacht, mit ihm und von ihm trainiert und begleitet werden. Es war mit ihm sympathisch, humorvoll und intelligent. Ich habe enorm von ihm profitiert und kann ihn und seine Firma nur absolut empfehlen.
Mima Malcicka
Barbells & Plates Personal Training
In just 6 weeks I have transformed my body and a way how I eat. I really enjoy working out with Dominic since I step out of my comfort zone and push myself a step further. I've never like going to the gym but in Dominic's gym I feel very comfortable because it is just two of us there and I am not distracted by anything else. Also, I enjoy our science-based conversations about training & nutrition.
Erika Thompson Sigrist
Barbells & Plates Personal Training
I began my journey with Dominic at 6 weeks pregnant. My goal was to be healthy and strong for pregnancy and birth. Dominic created a progressive plan for me which included nutrition suggestions as well. He has made sure to make adjustments where needed to accommodate my changing body and I continue to build strength. The whole experience has been so beneficial for my physical and mental health. I've felt very understood and am learning a lot about how to train in a sustainable way.
Barbells & Plates Personal Training
Freue mich auf die Trainingseinheiten mit Dominic!
Barbells & Plates Personal Training
Durch das Personaltraining konnte ich super meine Ziele erreichen. Dominic verfügt über ein spezielles Fachwissen, mit welchem ich mir im Training einen spührbaren Vorteil verschaffen konnte. Sehr zu empfehlen.
Ania Duflos
Barbells & Plates Personal Training
Dedicated, professional, with strong expertise, Dominic has been coaching me for almost 2.5 months now. I gain firmness & tonicity, energy and most importantly learn how to have a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle. Results ? new life style, -4.7 kg, -8cm hips reduction, and great training sessions ;-)
Laurence Kozera
Barbells & Plates Personal Training
Already in the sign-up process, I could tell that this was different. I was very comforted by Dominic’s reassuring approach; no hint of judgment with regard to my current fitness level, and no exercise made me feel like I was failing.Since starting personal training and nutrition coaching with Dominic, my life has been enhanced in many ways. I've improved my physique, confidence, and strength while also saying goodbye to stubborn back and neck pain. I feel the difference in everyday movements like playing with my kids, carrying groceries, and even in more active pursuits like hiking and skiing, my stronger legs are such an asset.Dominic's authentic approach is welcoming, non-judgmental, and balanced, combining his extensive expertise and knowledge with a respect for individual experiences. His guidance has improved my everyday nutrition and relationship with food, mental strength, sleep, and overall energy.Working with Dominic has been a game-changer unlike anything I've experienced before. I wholeheartedly recommend Barbells & Plates personal training and nutrition to anyone seeking authentic support and lasting transformations.
pallavi singh
Barbells & Plates Personal Training
When I started training with Dominic, I was expecting to get fitter and stronger. What I didn’t expect was how much I would enjoy the process of building strength and the knowledge I’d gain about nutrition and weight loss. This second part has been life changing and has been a great reminder that so many wellness trends online are misleading. I have been changing my way of eating and my relationship with food in a significant way for the first time ever and I feel Dominic has given me tools I can continue to leverage for a long long time to come. I cannot recommend his fitness training and nutrition advice more, its been one of the best steps I have ever taken towards my health!
Fungai Mettler
Barbells & Plates Personal Training
B&P personal training and nutrition was a game-changer for me. I was anxious because I had not seen the results that I wished for in the past, yet somehow I knew that this would be different. The work with Dominic turned out to be like nothing I have ever done. With his wholesome approach to a healthy life, I learned to embrace the process and to fall in love with the journey versus focusing on the result, and that changed the game for me. He provided invaluable support for my busy lifestyle as a full-time working/traveling mom. Dominic's expertise and guidance helped me achieve remarkable results, including over 10 cm off my waist while doubling my strength in all fundamental movement patterns. I'm incredibly grateful for the transformation I never knew I needed.

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Einsiedlerstrasse 11, 8820 Wädenswil, Schweiz
Barbells & Plates Personal Training